ვოლტარენი ემულგელი / VOLTAREN EMULGEL


ვოლტარენი ემულგელი / VOLTAREN EMULGEL

VOLTAREN EMULGEL is a medication composed of diclofenac, primarily used for Means for local use for the treatment of joint and muscle pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for local use. Classified and typically prescribed for Group III: issued without a prescription. Patients should follow their healthcare provider's instructions carefully when taking VOLTAREN EMULGEL. This drug is manufactured in Switzerland by GSK Consumer Healthcare S.A. .

Title in Georgian ვოლტარენი ემულგელი
Manufacturer Company GSK Consumer Healthcare S.A.
Country of origin Switzerland
Ingredients diclofenac
Type Means for local use for the treatment of joint and muscle pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for local use
Group Group III: issued without a prescription

Important Disclaimer

The information provided on this page about ვოლტარენი ემულგელი / VOLTAREN EMULGEL is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information about ვოლტარენი ემულგელი / VOLTAREN EMULGEL, its uses, dosage, side effects, and precautions, this information is not exhaustive and may not cover all potential aspects of the medication.

Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before taking any medication, including ვოლტარენი ემულგელი / VOLTAREN EMULGEL. Only a licensed medical professional can determine if this drug is appropriate for your specific medical condition, taking into account your medical history, current medications, and potential drug interactions.

Never take ვოლტარენი ემულგელი / VOLTAREN EMULGEL or any other medication without a prescription from a doctor. Self-medicating or adjusting dosages without medical supervision can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

If you have any questions or concerns about ვოლტარენი ემულგელი / VOLTAREN EMULGEL or your medical condition, please contact your doctor or pharmacist immediately. In case of a medical emergency, call your local emergency services or visit the nearest hospital.

By using the information on this page, you acknowledge that Infomed.ge is not responsible for any damages, claims, or liabilities arising from your use of this information or your decision to take ვოლტარენი ემულგელი / VOLTAREN EMULGEL without proper medical guidance.

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